Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Baby's 1st Picture

We had our first sonogram today. We told you we were having a baby, but upon further inspection, it seems we are having a peanut! Our little peanut has a very regular heartbeat of 176 beats per minute! You can't tell in this picture, but he or she is also growing arms and legs. During the sonogram "Peanut" was moving around a little. Peanut is 3/4 of an inch long. The average baby at this point is about an inch to an inch and a half long, so Peanut is a little small, but everything is developing right on track. We are just going to have a short baby. I know you are all shocked by that since D.K. and I are towering giants. The sonographer did move our due date up to July 26. It is only 2 days, but in the 100 degree heat of dry Lubbock summers, every minute is going to matter!

Sunday, December 17, 2006


It is official...D.K. is an incredible duck salesman. Last week at the regional Christmas party for Aflac, Laquita (D.K.'s regional manager) announced that D.K. will be the new District Coordinator beginning January 1st. That means a lot of different things for us. On the down side, we have to find office space, get a new desk, fax machine, phone, and printer for his office. On the up side, he automatically gets a 10% override on everything that the little ducks in his district sell! (In case you don't get it, that means more money for us and I am one step closer to being a stay at home mom!) I am very excited for him. Also, because he has been doing so well, he qualified for the state convention. That means we will be going to Mexico in February. I know you are jealous. I am so excited about a free vacation. I am not excited about being 5 months pregnant in a swim suit, but I will get over it when I am laying in the sun getting a free tan in the middle of February!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

We have a due date...

I went for my first doctor appointment today. My due date is July 28, 2007. We are going for an ultrasound on Tuesday at 9:30 to get a more accurate due date. We are so excited. The doctor guessed that I am about 8 weeks, so that means that if she is right, we should be able to see the heartbeat on Tuesday. The morning sickness is off and on. Some days are great, and some days are definitely not. Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Baby Steps

I am just trying to figure this out...there will be more to come!